[RSSAC Caucus] [Rssac-admin-committee] Possible new work for the Caucus

Andrew McConachie andrew.mcconachie at icann.org
Mon Oct 3 08:54:45 UTC 2022

Hi All,

The RSSAC Caucus maintains a Github account for its work. 

If the Caucus wants such a living document this would seem like the logical place to put it. We should discuss how to manage it. There needs to be some clear criteria on what gets merged and who is responsible for merging. 


> On 3 Oct 2022, at 10:28, Baojun Liu <bjliu0 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey, Fred Baker and Paul Hoffman, 
> I’m Baojun Liu, an assistant professor from Tsinghua University.
> My main research interests include DNS security and Internet measurement.
> The project you describe is very valuable, and I would love to contribute to this project.
> BTW, 
> I have also conducted some research projects on DNS root server instances, such as evaluating its deployment status from a China-wide view. 
> https://blog.apnic.net/2022/08/03/measuring-the-practical-effect-of-dns-root-server-instances-a-china-wide-case-study/ [blog.apnic.net] <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://blog.apnic.net/2022/08/03/measuring-the-practical-effect-of-dns-root-server-instances-a-china-wide-case-study/__;!!PtGJab4!8Esb3lu46jdbAKz6ztarFNDF9Y_-uX8AOhADdjv8tuxYB4QQYx8kVMoyuhsbE0UsgwmVTB39NagA5FUc-0pYLl1HLQ$>
> Sincerely, 
> Baojun. 
> Fred Baker <fred at isc.org <mailto:fred at isc.org>> 于2022年10月3日周一 14:56写道:
> Question: is there interest in a GDoc or GitHub document tracking research on RSS-related research?
> > On Sep 27, 2022, at 6:26 PM, Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman at icann.org <mailto:paul.hoffman at icann.org>> wrote:
> > 
> > Greetings again. During the 002v5 Work Party last week, I floated the idea that the Caucus should maybe have a project to create a list of research that is about the RSS. There was some interest, so I'd like to take it to the Caucus, but maybe it needs to go through RSSAC first.
> > 
> > The idea would be that there would be a living document (a public GDoc? a file in a GitHub repo?) that lists all the research we know of about the RSS. This would be academic work, papers written by individuals, and any interesting use of the DITL root data. It could be maintained by the policy staff (hi, Andrew!) and vetted by a designated person on RSSAC in case there is a proposed listing that doesn't match some criteria that we set.
> > 
> > If this interests you, please let me know how to proceed.
> > 
> > --Paul Hoffman
> > 
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