[RSSAC Caucus] Use of "expectations" in RSSAC001v2

Paul Hoffman paul.hoffman at icann.org
Wed Sep 7 16:58:42 UTC 2022

This idea is meant to start a discussion of what we "expect" of RSOs. I thought that, if we can deal with this first, it will make the rest of the work on RSAAC001v2 easier to understand.

In the current RSS, there is no way for an administrative body to remove an RSO for not performing the tasks in RSAAC001v1. RSSAC001v2 should not (cannot!) change that. So, starting with that understanding, I propose the following.

- At the beginning of Section 3, before Section 3.1, we add something like:

In this document, the word "expectation" indicates a task that each RSO is generally expected to perform if it is possible for them to do so. There may be reasons than a particular RSO cannot perform a particular expectation; in that case, the RSO is expected to state those reasons.

- In the rest of Section 3, we carefully make sure each section is written with the word "expectation" instead of anything stronger or weaker.

- Remove Section 5, since these are not recommendations to the ICANN Board (which is the normal use of such sections in RSSAC and SSAC documents).

--Paul Hoffman

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