[RSSAC Caucus] Use of "expectations" in RSSAC001v2

Wes Hardaker hardaker at isi.edu
Wed Sep 7 17:27:24 UTC 2022

> - At the beginning of Section 3, before Section 3.1, we add something like:
> In this document, the word "expectation" indicates a task that each RSO is
> generally expected to perform if it is possible for them to do so. There
> may be reasons than a particular RSO cannot perform a particular
> expectation; in that case, the RSO is expected to state those reasons.

Looks good; I might say s/state/document/

- In the rest of Section 3, we carefully make sure each section is written
> with the word "expectation" instead of anything stronger or weaker.

Also good and wise.

> - Remove Section 5, since these are not recommendations to the ICANN Board
> (which is the normal use of such sections in RSSAC and SSAC documents).

I suspect we should talk about that.  RSSAC does publish documents that are
not always advice for the board to act on, as does SSAC I think.  But your
point is valid that we need to be careful about how we word things to be
clear about who the audience is.

Wes Hardaker
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