[RSSAC Caucus] Caucus Review of RSSAC001v2

Paul Hoffman paul.hoffman at icann.org
Sun Apr 9 02:00:50 UTC 2023

On Apr 4, 2023, at 11:36 PM, Steve Sheng <steve.sheng at icann.org> wrote:
> Dear RSSAC Caucus,    This is a reminder that the review for the draft RSSAC001v2 ends on Friday April 7. Please submit any last comments you have one this document.

Sorry to miss this by a day or two (I'm not sure which side of the dateline I'm on right now...), but I believe we need to pause this document until we know more about how BCP40 might change. I had good conversations with the authors, Marc Blanchet and Wes Hardaker, and I am not at all sure that the wording we use in the current draft of RSSAC001v2 will make sense in a variety of scenarios for BCP40bis.

BCP40 today only gives requirements for the RSS as a whole, not to RSOs individually. There are some historical reasons for this that could change in preparing BCP40bis, but they also might not change. In fact, BCP40bis might not even be produced, or might only have a trivial change of the reference to RSSAC001. 

I propose we park RSSAC001v2 for a few months and try to make progress on BCP40 to indicate that it is requirements on each RSO. If that is not possible, then the wording in [E.3.1-B] needs to be updated and carefully wordsmithed to reflect what the Caucus actually expects of RSOs.

--Paul Hoffman

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