[RSSAC Caucus] Caucus Review of RSSAC001v2

Wes Hardaker hardaker at isi.edu
Mon Apr 10 17:45:28 UTC 2023

> Sorry to miss this by a day or two (I'm not sure which side of the
> dateline I'm on right now...), but I believe we need to pause this document
> until we know more about how BCP40 might change. I had good conversations
> with the authors, Marc Blanchet and Wes Hardaker, and I am not at all sure
> that the wording we use in the current draft of RSSAC001v2 will make sense
> in a variety of scenarios for BCP40bis.

The last discussion about the bis document had multiple people leaning
toward "7720 shouldn't be updated", but with an additional thought of
producing a new document instead that adds recommendations (but not
requirements) to the BCP.  The diverse opinions on this subject really need
to come up with a middle ground or solidify on one of the extremes.

But I do wonder how separate we can make the RSSAC document from the IETF
document.  IE, what would it take to allow RSSAC001v2 to be published
regardless of the future BCP status or contents.  Part of the point was to
separate them so that the contents of each wouldn't depend on the contents
of the other, aside from a notion of "go read this too".  That's clearly an
idealistic desire, however, but I think we should strive for it so that
they can be updated independently in the future as much as possible.  If
it's possible.

Wes Hardaker
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