[RSSAC Caucus] RFC7701bis and RSSAC001 update proposal: require NSID

Wes Hardaker hardaker at isi.edu
Tue Feb 28 00:56:36 UTC 2023

There was a discussion during the last call about whether or not RSOs
should be required (via RFC7701bis at least) to support and transmit NSID.
Currently all the existing RSOs do support NSID and return some value (see
below).   Since they all do, it seems like an easy jump to put the
requirement into RFC7701bis.  But there is also a question of what value
should be reported; I'd think it should be a fairly simple statement that
doesn't prescribe an explicit format, but rather should say something
generic like "indicates a unique identifier for a given deployed instance".


$ for i in a b c d e f g h i j k l m ; do echo -e -n "$i.root-servers.net:\t"
; dig @$i.root-servers.net . soa +nsid | grep -i nsid: | sed 's/.*//'  ;
a.root-servers.net: ("a8.us-lax.root")
b.root-servers.net: ("b4-lax")
c.root-servers.net: ("lax1a.c.root-servers.org")
d.root-servers.net: ("bbca1.droot.maxgigapop.net")
e.root-servers.net: ("c01.LAX.eroot")
f.root-servers.net: ("LAX.cf.f.root-servers.org")
g.root-servers.net: ("sat3.groot")
h.root-servers.net: ("001.nzy.h.root-servers.org")
i.root-servers.net: ("s1.bnx")
j.root-servers.net: ("a8.us-lax.root")
k.root-servers.net: ("ns3.us-mia.k.ripe.net")
l.root-servers.net: ("us-rtv-aa")
m.root-servers.net: ("M-SJC-3")

Wes Hardaker
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