[RSSAC Caucus] Annual RSSAC FAQ Review

Robert Story rstory at isi.edu
Thu Jan 5 00:56:51 UTC 2023

On Thu 2023-01-05 00:04:48+0000 Duane via rssac-caucus wrote:
> I’m not in favor of removing 4.2.
> And I agree with Wes.  Even though the question may not be frequently
> asked, this one was in fact asked during one of the RSSAC
> informational sessions at an ICANN meeting as I recall.

Ok, what are you thoughts on Ken's changes? If we leave the question as
is, then I think we have to say that there is always a chance of the
zone being modified by an attack or malware. I'd much rather have the
question be about additional protections than all the risks.

Robert Story 
USC Information Sciences Institute <http://www.isi.edu/>
Networking and Cybersecurity Division

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