[RSSAC Caucus] Annual RSSAC FAQ Review

Wessels, Duane dwessels at verisign.com
Thu Jan 5 00:04:48 UTC 2023

> On Jan 4, 2023, at 7:46 AM, Wes Hardaker <hardaker at isi.edu> wrote:
>> This still doesn't seem like a frequently-asked question. Even if it is, an answer that will only be true in the future doesn't seem useful in this version of the FAQ.
> These days the FAQ title is badly misnamed, and FAQs seem to be used more to publish answers to "expected questions" even in advance to the publication of the main content.  I suspect the interpretation has shifted from truly FAQs to "this is a format that people like reading and can quickly skim to the part they're interested in".
> -- 

I’m not in favor of removing 4.2.

And I agree with Wes.  Even though the question may not be frequently asked, this one was in fact asked during one of the RSSAC informational sessions at an ICANN meeting as I recall.


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