[RSSAC Caucus] Security Incident Reporting Work Party Update

Robert Story rstory at ant.isi.edu
Mon Apr 22 14:05:53 UTC 2024

Hi Dessalegn,

I think this would fall under an informational report, because:

- it was caused by a bad configuration update, not a malicious actor
- it affected less than 25% of a single RSO, so no material effect on
  the RSS

While I think/hope that we will include a recommendation that RSSAC or
the RSS GS consider creating guidance for information reporting, it's
otherwise out of scope for the current document.


USC Information Sciences Institute <http://www.isi.edu/>
Networking and Cybersecurity Division

On Mon 2024-04-22 10:37:01+0300 Dessalegn wrote:
> Here is a security incident report that supports our approach(covering
> indirect incidents), i.e., including security incidents related to
> critical infrastructure components upon which the RSS relies.
> https://status.ripe.net/incidents/l3cz0rry823k
> Dessalegn

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