[RSSAC Caucus] Security Incident Reporting Work Party Update

Andrew McConachie andrew.mcconachie at icann.org
Mon Apr 22 16:17:30 UTC 2024

Dear RSSAC Caucus Members,

The Security Incident Reporting Work Party held a meeting today. Below are two proposed deletions and two topics identified as needing more text.

Please respond to this mail or add comments into the document by this Friday April 26 if you disagree with either of the deletions proposed below. (deadline April 26)
-There is a new Section Y meant to replace Section 6. Unless anyone objects Section 6 will be deleted and Section Y will take its place.
-Section Y contains an 8 point bulleted list. It is proposed to delete bullet point 8.

Additionally, the work party went through the Statement of Work and identified two points that still need to be covered in the document.
-Section 4 of the SoW, "How would incident reporting work?" generally requires more coverage in the working document.
-Point 3.c in the SoW, "What are the roles of the RSS GS and RSOs with respect to reporting?" was also identified as needing more coverage. Specifically, the role of RSOs not yet sufficiently described in the working document.


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