[RSSAC Caucus] Security Incident Reporting Work Party Update

Andrew McConachie andrew.mcconachie at icann.org
Mon May 13 15:37:11 UTC 2024

Dear RSSAC Caucus Members,

Robert, Ken and I met today to work on the document. 


-We added a single sentence high-level description of the document on page 1.
-We made some edits to Section 6 in Suggest mode. 
-We deleted Appendix A: Example SIR. The old Appendix B is now the new Appendix A.

We will review these edits on our next call. 

This work party is winding down. WIth each meeting there are fewer and fewer edits being made to the document, so we're nearing completion. Robert and I have reviewed the Statement of Work and determined that all items in it are covered in the working document. If you still have something that you would like to see in this document that isn't already in it, now is the time to speak up.

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