[RSSAC Caucus] Security Incident Reporting and c-root incident

Wataru "Alt" Ohgai alt at nic.ad.jp
Wed May 22 11:06:14 UTC 2024

Dear Caucus and WP members,

This is Alt from JPNIC.

As you may already know, c-root is reported to be experiencing routing 
and XFR issue, affecting ongoing DNSSEC algorythm rollover of gov. and int.

In my opinion this issue itself is not a material impact for the entire 
RSS, however, if our security incident reporting document were taking 
effect at this time, is this eligeble to be reported?

RSOs are free to report any incident at its own will regardless of the 
effect of this docment but I just wonder if this kind of issue effecting 
multiple TLD operations could be within "what to report"(nearly equals 
to requirement/mandatory) in the definition of this docment.

大谷 亘
Wataru Ohgai

alt at nic.ad.jp

一般社団法人日本ネットワークインフォメーションセンター JPNIC
Japan Network Information Center

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