[RSSAC Caucus] Security Incident Reporting and c-root incident

Robert Story rstory at ant.isi.edu
Wed May 22 15:17:35 UTC 2024

On Wed 2024-05-22 20:06:14+0900 Wataru wrote:
> As you may already know, c-root is reported to be experiencing routing 
> and XFR issue, affecting ongoing DNSSEC algorythm rollover of gov. and int.
> In my opinion this issue itself is not a material impact for the entire 
> RSS, however, if our security incident reporting document were taking 
> effect at this time, is this eligeble to be reported?

Without more details, my personal opinion (ie no hats) is that it would not
be. I spent a few minutes googling to try to find any references to this, but
couldn't. So it seems there is no material impact to the RSS.

I'm assuming the routing issue is external to C-Root (ie not due to their
router being compromised or something like that), so any reporting on this
would be informational (and optional) reporting from C-Root directly.


USC Information Sciences Institute <http://www.isi.edu/>
Networking and Cybersecurity Division

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