[RSSAC Caucus] [SPAM] Re: Security Incident Reporting and c-root incident

Robert Story rstory at ant.isi.edu
Thu May 23 14:57:55 UTC 2024

On Thu 2024-05-23 09:04:53-0400 David wrote:
> As mentioned, this was an externally visible event that impacted the
> activities of two TLD operators.
> What is your definition of “material impact on the RSS”?

[nitpick: I left out the work 'adverse' in my last email.]

This is exactly the question that the work party has been wrestling with, and
this situation will hopefully stimulate some useful discussions on the next
call. But to date, we've avoided any specific definition, leaving it up to
the RSOs.

I don't think it's productive to continue debating whether or not my personal
opinion of an event I'm not involved with and have very limited information
about is right or wrong. I encourage everyone to read the document and scope
of work, join future calls and/or make comments on the document if they feel
changes are needed.


USC Information Sciences Institute <http://www.isi.edu/>
Networking and Cybersecurity Division

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