[RSS GWG] Chair (self) Nomination

Ted Hardie ted.ietf at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 20:45:07 UTC 2020

I am willing to serve as chair.  I am also happy, of course, to support any
other chair who should be selected.

I note that I am currently the chair of the IAB, but that I will cease to
be its chair later this month, when I rotate off the the IAB at IETF 107.
As a result, I don't think I would have any conflicts of interest in
serving the role, though I should disclose that I am a candidate for the
ISOC BoT, nominated by the organizational members.

I have experience, both as IAB chair and as chair of a variety of other
technical groups, in seeking consensus and managing working group processes
to achieve it.   Within Google, my role is to influence technical teams
rather than to run them, and I take much the same approach to serving as a
chair.  It's not the job of the chair to rule the roost, but simply to make
sure that the work gets done to achieve the goals set out for it.  Part of
that is making sure all the perspectives are heard and considered and part
of it is making sure that the contemplation gets matched to action.

There is a short bio at:https://www.iab.org/about/iab-members/, and I'm
also happy to provide a CV or answer questions if that is desired.


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