[Rt4-whois] Chair nominations invited for the WHOIS Review Team - Acceptance and Vice Chair

Omar Kaminski omar at kaminski.adv.br
Tue Oct 26 21:46:33 UTC 2010

Interesting and important observations, Susan. I second that.


-----Mensagem Original----- 
From: Susan Kawaguchi
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 7:32 PM
To: Smith, Bill ; rt4-whois at icann.org
Subject: Re: [Rt4-whois] Chair nominations invited for the WHOIS Review 
Team - Acceptance and Vice Chair

I echo Bill's sentiments.   Definition of how we go about  evaluating 
ICANN's enforcement of the WHOIS policy should be our first priority.

Kathy,  I personally very much appreciate your willingness to take on the 
monumental job as chairperson but I personally would like to have a clear 
picture of the work we will be doing in this group before we set up our 
internal structure.

As a group what do we expect of the chairperson?   This is crucial to 
discuss as the role of chair will be very important in guiding how this team 
works together.  I think we should establish ground rules and guidelines on 
what is expected of the chairperson before we decide on an individual.

In other groups the chairperson's responsibilities have been described as 

  "The purpose of a Chair is to call meetings, preside over working group 
deliberations, manage the process so that all participants have the 
opportunity to contribute, and report the results of the Working Group to 
the Chartering Organization. "

"Qualities of the Chair
The main concern of the chair should be the aims and objectives of the group 
and the integrity of the meeting process. There follows a brief description 
of the personal qualities that a good chair should possess.

The chair will need to maintain control to ensure that progress is made in 
line with the schedule - as defined in the agenda.

Following an agenda does not always imply unquestioning devotion to it. For 
example, if an unplanned deviation could produce a clarification or the 
bonding together of meeting participants, then this might represent a very 
effective strategy.

It is important that the chair supports an equal and fair consideration of 
all sides of the argument. This can be especially difficult where the chair 
is privately on one side of the debate.

The chair must be able to accept and work with a broad cross section of 
personalities. They should view each meeting without too much preconception 
as to how individuals will act and react, but be able to respond as the need 
arises. "

You all may be thinking, "Of course, that is what we expect"  but I would 
feel more comfortable discussing the role and coming to consensus.  The WRT 
has many diverse view points and experiences. Consensus building, 
transparency and neutrality will be key in the role of the chair and the 
group should make a conscious decision on what we expect of the chairperson.

I am also somewhat concerned that the first two ICANN review teams will be 
chaired by representatives of the Registry stakeholders group.   We should 
consider  spreading the work to other constituencies.

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