[Rt4-whois] Scope of WRT - target group(s) [was: Documents; Shorter mtg in Cartagena]

Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet Woeber at CC.UniVie.ac.at
Mon Nov 8 15:43:19 UTC 2010

Thanks for the draft describing the Scope of Work!

Looking at the AoC this is pretty much on the mark and should be, or rather
has to be, our primary goal.

At the same time I feel some "artificial restriction" in explicitely
mentioning law enforcement and consumer trust, but ignoring all other
parties that (may) have a legitimate interest in the working, and the
accessibility of whois data.

The most prominent example that springs to my mind is the community of
operational security and incident teams.

I'd like to suggest that we discuss the merits of including such aspects
in the Scope of Work, as an aditional activity.

On a more genral note, I think we should also "reserve the right" to come
up with findings or recommendations that, if implemented, could be beneficial
for all the stakeholders.

Thanks for your input,

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