[Rt4-whois] Withdrawing offer to function as Chair

Kathy Kleiman kKleiman at pir.org
Tue Nov 9 13:07:33 UTC 2010

Dear All,

There are some real issues around the Whois Review that need to be
resolved, sooner rather than later, in order to make our process work.
It requires constructive collaboration among the appointed Members, and
close work with supporting ICANN staff. And it needs to be clear that
this Review is to carry out its tasks led by the appointed Members,
supported by the ICANN staff.


In particular, two things need to be done, in my view:

-        I am deeply concerned about the unexpected scheduling by ICANN
staff of a full day Whois meeting during the Cartagena ICANN meeting,
plus a public session, without having consulted the selected Members
first, not even during the two meetings we already had (on 10/13 and
10/20). I do not think this is the way the process should be run;

-        We do need support to set up the meeting in London, on which we
did agree. As quickly as possible the following things should be
arranged by ICANN Staff to ensure that as many selected Members as
possible can be present during this meeting we agreed on, in principle,

o   A doodle of dates - combining a two-day combo of weekdays and
Friday/Saturday covering most of the second and third week of January to
see what dates are best for the most number of RT  people.

o   Guidance from ICANN  to Sharon Lemon regarding the minimum and
maximum remote participation requirements the other review teams have
used, allowing her the time and opportunity to check that the Docklands
can provide the accommodations that allows this to take place,

o   Quickly organize a block of rooms at a hotel nearby the Docklands
for the Review Team and Staff, and make reservations for dinner on
arrival night and the evening between the two days of meetings; 

Considering all this, I also don't see how I can effectively function as
a Chair. What I can bring to the table is structure to the content
discussion, ensure fairness, depth and outreach. However, what is needed
from the Chair right now is getting a positive and constructive process
in place and ensuring the independence of the RT, and I herewith
withdraw my offer to function as Chair. 


My commitment to participate as a member of our team and work hard on
our core issues, of course, remains.


In closing, just because the Whois issues are difficult and
controversial does not mean that our relations have to be. If we can
find a way out of this difficult issue by, then we will have done our
job. Nobody said it would be easy, but if we try together in a positive,
constructive way, it can be done, well. It requires commitment and
willingness to listen to each other, and to talk from insights, rather
than from positions.  It also requires a strong commitment from ICANN to
actively support, but not lead.


Let's work together and make this full, fair and robust review happen -


Best wishes,

Kathy Kleiman



Kathy Kleiman

Director of Policy


.ORG The Public Interest Registry

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