[Rt4-whois] Recommendations

Omar Kaminski omar at kaminski.adv.br
Thu Jul 7 15:07:08 UTC 2011

So we must admit that any final server (registrars) are contratual
covered by national laws.Perhaps, but most probably not.

Also, cross-national norms should be covered by International
Conventions and/or Treaties to be granted (in less time).

For a transborder court order, Brazil takes at least 6 months to a
year (or more) just to answer and then start the process itself.


2011/7/7 Lutz Donnerhacke <lutz at iks-jena.de>:
> The usual (non LEA) user automatically follow the whois chain and can obtain
> the necessary information from the final server, if this access is granted
> by national laws (of the final Whois operator). This way the applicable laws
> of data collection and protection even in the light of LEA access
> (cross-national?) can be fullfilled without knowing all those laws in
> advance.

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