[Rt4-whois] Short update on clash between civil and penal law, hack attacks in Brazil

Omar Kaminski omar at kaminski.adv.br
Thu Jul 28 00:24:15 UTC 2011


This pre-bill is gaining enthusiasts over the time, but the time is against
it since a bill takes around 5 years to be approved. At least could have
some educative purposes.

In the same situation we have a data protection bill, unfortunatelly no
english version avaliable. Proposing a central autority to manage the
general identities among other details.

And finally our main cibercrime bill, 12 years old, in a dead end to be
approved (or not) with lots of people against it (mostly for political
reasons), even with a massive attack against gov.br sites some weeks ago
showing there aren't criminal laws to deal with this issue:





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