[Rt4-whois] Draft Report Recommendations

Denise Michel denise.michel at icann.org
Thu Feb 9 18:10:51 UTC 2012

Dear Team Members,

I've had a cross-functional Staff team review the draft report
recommendations.  We have a number of items for which clarification is
needed, and have identified some implementation challenges that require
more consideration.

At this point it would be valuable if a few Staff could have an informal
conference call with the Team or, if you prefer, a sub-set of the Team
(perhaps members who held the pen on recommendations?), and discuss the
recommendations. This would enable Staff to have a clear understanding of
the Team's intent, and give the Team insight into the potential
implementation challenges with which we're grappling.

If this is amendable, I'll have Alice follow-up on call details.  It would
be most helpful if we could schedule this next week.


Denise Michel
Advisor to the President & CEO
denise.michel at icann.org
+1.408.429.3072 mobile
+1.310.578.8632 direct
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