[RZERC] FINAL RZERC Feedback on the Updated Plan for Continuing the Root KSK Rollover

Wessels, Duane dwessels at verisign.com
Thu Aug 2 20:13:38 UTC 2018

RZERC Members,

Since this is RZERC's first request for advice, I appreciate everyone's patience as we figure it all out.  We may stumble a bit, but I'm confident we can find our way.

Steve and I have been discussing some options for moving forward on this advice.  Referring to our procedures, I feel that our current situation fits the definition of Rough Consensus, under which minority viewpoints are considered but not necessarily accommodated.

Perhaps the best path forward is to change the format of our response somewhat.  Instead of a straight letter from the chair, it can be formatted as a report, much like the formats used by SSAC and RSSAC.  The report can have an "Acknowledgements and Minority Viewpoints" section.  Peter can address his particular objection here, as can any other member.

Lastly, I would like to remind everyone that this mailing list is publicly archived so let's please be polite to one another.


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