[RZERC] RZERC House Keeping Matters

Steve Sheng steve.sheng at icann.org
Mon Oct 7 21:09:59 UTC 2019


There are several housekeeping matters for the committee:

  *   Membership reappointments / confirmation: Many RZERC member’s term ends in 2019 (https://www.icann.org/rzerc-membership). Staff will be reaching out to you and the appointing organization to confirm your organization’s appointee for terms beyond 2019.
  *   RZERC Meeting: Given the charter requirements for at least one meeting per calendar year, we will be calling for a meeting. Danielle will send out details for the meeting. Please watch out for her email.
  *   Chair Election: Duane’s appointment as RZERC Chair was March 2017.  Per the procedures, his term will be up at "the close of the first Committee meeting held after the two-year anniversary of the Chair's appointment", which would be at the next RZERC meeting.  Therefore, staff will invoke the election process again. Please watch out for her email.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

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