[RZERC] Initiating the 2020 RZERC Chair Selection Procedure

Danielle Rutherford danielle.rutherford at icann.org
Fri Jan 17 21:40:47 UTC 2020


As you may recall, Duane’s first term as RZERC Chair officially completed 6 November 2019 during ICANN66. The RZERC agreed to have Duane serve as Interim Chair during membership reappointments and until a new Chair election could be held. At this time, the RZERC Chair Selection is commencing and nominations are now being accepted. Per the RZERC operational procedures section 2.2.3 (attached to this email for your reference), nominations will be accepted beginning one month prior to the election until one week before elections. Please note the following dates for the 2020 Chair Selection:

  *   17 January 2020: Chair Selection announced, nominations and self-nominations commence
  *   11 February 2020: Nomination period closes end of day everywhere
  *   18 February 2020*: RZERC teleconference. Each nominee will accept or decline their nomination on the teleconference. If only one nominee accepts a nomination, the RZERC may vote by acclamation during the meeting and select the new Chair. If two or more nominees accept a nomination, staff will conduct an online anonymous poll over the next seven days.

*Please note we have tentatively scheduled an RZERC meeting for Tuesday, 18 February 2020 based on doodle poll responses to date. The meeting date subject to change should we receive more doodle poll responses for members’ general availability (link to poll: https://doodle.com/poll/5zc2kbzzwm2v67zv). Due to the operational procedures, we can only move to a later date to fulfill the nomination period as defined in the operational procedures.

The Chair’s duties are as follows:
The Chair of the Committee is responsible for setting agendas and chairing the meeting, as well as working closely with ICANN Staff on the Committee’s business.

The Chair represents RZERC at ICANN meetings and other venues and when the need arises. Unless explicitly tasked by the Committee, the chair will speak as a member, not for the Committee.

RZERC Chair coordinates, when required, the interaction with ICANN SO/ACs and other committees as appropriate. He also coordinates the work of the Committee and may delegate one or more of these duties as needed or appropriate.

Per the operational procedures, all members of the Committee are eligible to be selected as Chair. Members may nominate themselves for the Chair position. A person may only serve for two consecutive terms, so Duane is eligible for nomination. As a reminder, should Duane be elected to serve as RZERC Chair, his second term would officially commence at the end of his first term.  His total term length would not be extended by the length of his interim service. The term of the Chair ends at the earlier of (i) the close of the first Committee meeting held after the two-year anniversary of the Chair's appointment; or (ii) the Chair's leaving of the Committee.

Please send your nominations to Steve Sheng (steve.sheng at icann.org<mailto:steve.sheng at icann.org>) and Danielle Rutherford (danielle.rutherford at icann.org<mailto:danielle.rutherford at icann.org>) by 11 February 2020.

Warm regards,
Danielle Rutherford

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