[SOAC-Leaders-ICANNMeeting-Planning] Option for a Briefing on the Information Transparency Initiative (ITI)

David Olive david.olive at icann.org
Fri Mar 2 16:10:03 UTC 2018

Message from Jana Juginovic, ICANN Communications:


Dear Community Leaders:


The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Team will be attending ICANN61. If your schedule permits, we are available to answer any questions and speak to your groups throughout the week. If your ICANN61 schedule is already booked up, we’d be happy to arrange a webinar at a date and time that works best for your group.


Also note, we will be presenting and available to answer questions at the Cross Community Session: Open Data & Information Transparency at ICANN: Developing Avenues Forward. The session is scheduled for Wednesday 14 March at 1030 in Ballroom A. Please do attend.


We’ll also be available at ICANN62.


If you’d like to arrange something for your group, please email: informationtransparency at icann.org.


Thank you and look forward to seeing you all at ICANN61.





David A. Olive
Senior Vice President

Policy Development Support
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)


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