[SOAC-Leaders-ICANNMeeting-Planning] Cross Community Session: Walk in the shoes of a gTLD Registry Operator

farzaneh badii farzaneh.badii at gmail.com
Fri Mar 2 23:27:37 UTC 2018

Dear Donna,

Thanks for this. I checked the description and I can see that this session
is heavily focussed on stories of registries. All the panelists are
registries. I don't think this is a cross community session, it is more
like a community to community session, a term  Greg Shatan coined once
during our leadership meeting and I believe we should create it not to bump
into the same problem again and again. So I suggest either name this
session a community to community session or make it a real cross-community
session. If registries want to tell us what they do in a cross
community session, then there should be time for other parts of the
community to discuss various viewpoints with registries too and be involved
with developing the description as well. In the initial proposal there was
a suggestion to include various community members on the panel. This does
not seem to be the case at the moment. Either we can do 45 minutes of
registries discussion and then community discussion, or if registries want
to discuss for an hour and then half an hour just Q and A then lets just
call the session something else and not a cross-community session.




On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 10:03 PM, Austin, Donna via
SOAC-Leaders-ICANNMeeting-Planning <
soac-leaders-icannmeeting-planning at icann.org> wrote:

> Hi All
> I’m reaching out to see if there is interest from other community groups
> to be included in the abovementioned cross community session. Farzenhah has
> already expressed an interest from the NCSG.
> The session description has been provided in the ICANN Schedule
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__61.schedule.icann.org_meetings_640712&d=DwMGaQ&c=MOptNlVtIETeDALC_lULrw&r=CwipU91YB6EkpFXK9ynnT_QUef4yC5p7jpsDm8cU97g&m=oqMEWibDfsg7aFrZXq_oVNKiDEdi06UDpTfrQJPRgVI&s=Dbr_TxyGWDMAX64ZEma62cjcW9M86aJG3ER_7FeYtic&e=>
> and is consistent with the outline provided as part of the planning
> committee considerations.  A number of registry operators have volunteered
> to participate in the session, including .bank, .berlin, .neustar,
> .pharmacy, .design, .realtor and .art . Kurt Pritz from .art will be
> moderating the session.
> There are two ways to incorporate the NCSG and others in the session,
> which is to have a member of the respective SG/C or SO/AC ask the questions
> during the session; or provide the questions to the participants ahead of
> time and ask that they be addressed as part of the session. Our intention
> is to have the registry operators on a panel with engagement from others
> from the floor, noting that the plan is for the registry operators to fill
> the first 60 minutes of the session followed by questions.
> Please let me know offlist if you are interested in participating.
> Donna
> *Donna Austin*
> *Neustar, Inc.* / Senior Policy Manager, Registry Solutions
> *Mobile:* +1 310 890 9655 <(310)%20890-9655>
> *donna.austin at team.neustar <donna.austin at team.neustar>* / *Website:*
> home.neustar <http://www.home.neustar/>
> *Follow Neustar:* LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/company/5349> */*
> Twitter <http://www.twitter.com/neustar>
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