[SubPro-IRT] Continued Operations Instrument

Lars Hoffmann lars.hoffmann at icann.org
Mon Dec 11 11:29:47 UTC 2023

Dear members of the IRT,

Please see here a link to a follow up not on the discontinuation of the Continued Operations Instrument; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ePpI7mjAyoau39RJ9z3STkw_ZmTesn7U2B0LNTnBhQ8/edit?usp=sharing

For those with trouble accessing google docs, I have also attached a PDF. As always for topics that pertain to issues that the GNSO Small Team Plus is working on, I would kindly ask those IRT members that belong to the Small Team Plus, too, to share this information with their colleagues in the other group.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Please note, we will discuss the topic ‘Registrant Protection’ – of which the COI is part – comprehensively in Q1 of calendar year 2024.

Many thanks and best wishes,

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