[SubPro-IRT] Topic 21: Reserved Names

Ching Chiao ching.chiao at whoisxmlapi.com
Thu Sep 28 18:19:28 UTC 2023

Dear all ,

For 1.2.1 3-letter ASCII Combinations :

I am still under the impression that the 3-letter ISO3166 code is
prohibited, primarily based on GAC Helsinki Communique :

*20160630_GAC ICANN 56 Communique_FINAL [1].pdf *

*Use of 3-letter codes in the ISO-3166 list as gTLDs in future rounds a.
The GAC advises the ICANN Board to: *


   *encourage the community to continue in depth analyses and discussions
   on all aspects related to a potential use of 3-letter codes in the ISO-3166
   list as gTLDs in future rounds, in particular with regard to whether such a
   potential use is considered to be in the public interest or not. *

   *keep current protections in place for 3-letter codes in the ISO-3166
   list in place and not to lift these unless future in- depth discussions
   involving the GAC and the other ICANN constituencies would lead to a
   consensus that use of these 3-letter codes as TLDs would be in the public
   interest. *

The SubPro WT-5 report should have remained the same position, but please
correct me if I am wrong or missing something.

Thank you very much !



On Fri, Sep 22, 2023 at 2:43 PM Michael Karakash <michael.karakash at icann.org>

> Dear IRT Members,
> We are pleased to share the proposed language of the AGB's Reserved Names
> <https://t.sidekickopen53.com/Ctc/DL+23284/cFFT304/Jll2-6qcW7Y8-PT6lZ3q7W6ldx3C2YgNsrW6GLBSN6m4ZS4W105DGy64ThRgW5YKxHf25qFgQW1Ql6BW1sy4lGW4PY3tG36181vW91nN0t6HW9M0W3_cwQ_3cR1nkW8RkypX2pk_l7W3wlXnz6R7v_1W4SWp4Y80QxZXW8t7Jpx3NbKpcW7sHGMj8QjrXmW6bBRJb1G7VZ7V-dVKl3nRjKmW189dL02H5f72W3H7fmr8p2prZN4qR09pClmH2W6Yynj84tNgM9W2lfCMJ21D0b1VHVlHn4WsFcdW17r8s_5nChxcW7-SjVt5vTFhjW3t09kh3VzYp4N6kk1ZvkX3McW7M449V3TkPP6f6zlZnd04>
> section based on the Board-adopted recommendations in Topic 21 of the Final
> Report
> <https://t.sidekickopen53.com/Ctc/DL+23284/cFFT304/JjT4YGXpW50kH_H6lZ3m6W7LMkp214l24KW4ZtJJy1-mYxFW1QcpJM61YzJjV2Gc3Z4Qgn71VLkqZ59d6_ZfN1Gw5M4jTTc5W6N7kSd3jGLGxW7kYMx899kpnBW4mSxZm530Vb4W2VXcTl923ll-W79jrxF2-tvpXW32n9xV7kMhsLW4_FQqw4YSN0FVVrQf_7pW11vW7nm3wY17DzV9N2ycxqPJxb09W8pTGgb7w27MbW70ybMf3Zh4y7Vvg6f32k4hrmW8ZDmP91HQk67W4sPJK91VJQVGW3TrPfL8kB3wPV11Bt27Vj6c_W7WtrVd3y4v_WW5JjPTj48B8QsW8hhL3L8knPp0VjZ2lW8sh07QN8757r88fGwfN5M9vB4x1YbcW3XH7hx7lXFNdW2yw9FQ1_pKLFW83KNCn1l27xhf7rvCPH04>
> .
> Additionally, the agenda and a PDF version of the document for Tuesday’s
> discussion are accessible here
> <https://t.sidekickopen53.com/Ctc/DL+23284/cFFT304/Jl22-6qcW7lCdLW6lZ3lNW8FRg433fVMqlW3lrckB7_CV7nW1p2v8N5dmJrJW1rWwCb25MKb6W7xfmQZ1sN9R4W6tW3J73QsylhW5dfstq2ZWQ53N1Bj4krTXpymN6jcxKz8FQJvW2N7mm56BPgxXV9xf3v4MYKFWW5zcmjC7lWNr1W20tft-6lQ1HlW47_76z1SRwtYW1TTYyq7H9MBXN2XXXykfZDpmW3D5ym726bmWCW3F3JWs9h6F_QW22GlJf6zR6qPW6kDGvR2Gr_yYW2ylDq84yZy-JW35rdMF3pg04vW8Qw2mg93XNFRVq9RY47Bc91_d2tdCs04>
> .
> If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.
> Thank you!
> Best,
> Michael
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