[SubPro-IRT] [Ext] Re: Topic 21: Reserved Names

Michael Karakash michael.karakash at icann.org
Thu Sep 28 19:33:44 UTC 2023

Hi Ching,

Thank you for your email and input. While we are revising the document in this category to provide more clarity on the language based on our discussion during the previous IRT call, we do have a caveat to the “3-letter ASCII Combinations” category in the current draft language.

It says: “3-letter ASCII combinations are eligible for delegation unless used by ISO 3166 as ISO 3-letter code.” Therefore, we are in agreement that they are prohibited if found on the ISO 3166 list.

Thank you!



From: Ching Chiao <ching.chiao at whoisxmlapi.com>
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 11:20 AM
To: Michael Karakash <michael.karakash at icann.org>
Cc: "subpro-irt at icann.org" <subpro-irt at icann.org>
Subject: [Ext] Re: [SubPro-IRT] Topic 21: Reserved Names

Dear all ,

For 1.2.1 3-letter ASCII Combinations :

I am still under the impression that the 3-letter ISO3166 code is prohibited, primarily based on GAC Helsinki Communique :

20160630_GAC ICANN 56 Communique_FINAL [1].pdf

Use of 3-letter codes in the ISO-3166 list as gTLDs in future rounds a. The GAC advises the ICANN Board to:

  1.  encourage the community to continue in depth analyses and discussions on all aspects related to a potential use of 3-letter codes in the ISO-3166 list as gTLDs in future rounds, in particular with regard to whether such a potential use is considered to be in the public interest or not.
  2.  keep current protections in place for 3-letter codes in the ISO-3166 list in place and not to lift these unless future in- depth discussions involving the GAC and the other ICANN constituencies would lead to a consensus that use of these 3-letter codes as TLDs would be in the public interest.
The SubPro WT-5 report should have remained the same position, but please correct me if I am wrong or missing something.

Thank you very much !



On Fri, Sep 22, 2023 at 2:43 PM Michael Karakash <michael.karakash at icann.org<mailto:michael.karakash at icann.org>> wrote:
Dear IRT Members,

We are pleased to share the proposed language of the AGB's Reserved Names [t.sidekickopen53.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.sidekickopen53.com/Ctc/DL*23284/cFFT304/Jll2-6qcW7Y8-PT6lZ3q7W6ldx3C2YgNsrW6GLBSN6m4ZS4W105DGy64ThRgW5YKxHf25qFgQW1Ql6BW1sy4lGW4PY3tG36181vW91nN0t6HW9M0W3_cwQ_3cR1nkW8RkypX2pk_l7W3wlXnz6R7v_1W4SWp4Y80QxZXW8t7Jpx3NbKpcW7sHGMj8QjrXmW6bBRJb1G7VZ7V-dVKl3nRjKmW189dL02H5f72W3H7fmr8p2prZN4qR09pClmH2W6Yynj84tNgM9W2lfCMJ21D0b1VHVlHn4WsFcdW17r8s_5nChxcW7-SjVt5vTFhjW3t09kh3VzYp4N6kk1ZvkX3McW7M449V3TkPP6f6zlZnd04__;Kw!!PtGJab4!5nVzvRJJXqUbnP28-HnfAVoXnmT7FTKEd_edjgGqyMkmsg8UCVotl6DqAEWSkOlXuHztoL9g9YNb_sU0g7jSYpDLUICxOBPTUpO9LA$> section based on the Board-adopted recommendations in Topic 21 of the Final Report [t.sidekickopen53.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.sidekickopen53.com/Ctc/DL*23284/cFFT304/JjT4YGXpW50kH_H6lZ3m6W7LMkp214l24KW4ZtJJy1-mYxFW1QcpJM61YzJjV2Gc3Z4Qgn71VLkqZ59d6_ZfN1Gw5M4jTTc5W6N7kSd3jGLGxW7kYMx899kpnBW4mSxZm530Vb4W2VXcTl923ll-W79jrxF2-tvpXW32n9xV7kMhsLW4_FQqw4YSN0FVVrQf_7pW11vW7nm3wY17DzV9N2ycxqPJxb09W8pTGgb7w27MbW70ybMf3Zh4y7Vvg6f32k4hrmW8ZDmP91HQk67W4sPJK91VJQVGW3TrPfL8kB3wPV11Bt27Vj6c_W7WtrVd3y4v_WW5JjPTj48B8QsW8hhL3L8knPp0VjZ2lW8sh07QN8757r88fGwfN5M9vB4x1YbcW3XH7hx7lXFNdW2yw9FQ1_pKLFW83KNCn1l27xhf7rvCPH04__;Kw!!PtGJab4!5nVzvRJJXqUbnP28-HnfAVoXnmT7FTKEd_edjgGqyMkmsg8UCVotl6DqAEWSkOlXuHztoL9g9YNb_sU0g7jSYpDLUICxOBM0MvWeFQ$>.

Additionally, the agenda and a PDF version of the document for Tuesday’s discussion are accessible here [t.sidekickopen53.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.sidekickopen53.com/Ctc/DL*23284/cFFT304/Jl22-6qcW7lCdLW6lZ3lNW8FRg433fVMqlW3lrckB7_CV7nW1p2v8N5dmJrJW1rWwCb25MKb6W7xfmQZ1sN9R4W6tW3J73QsylhW5dfstq2ZWQ53N1Bj4krTXpymN6jcxKz8FQJvW2N7mm56BPgxXV9xf3v4MYKFWW5zcmjC7lWNr1W20tft-6lQ1HlW47_76z1SRwtYW1TTYyq7H9MBXN2XXXykfZDpmW3D5ym726bmWCW3F3JWs9h6F_QW22GlJf6zR6qPW6kDGvR2Gr_yYW2ylDq84yZy-JW35rdMF3pg04vW8Qw2mg93XNFRVq9RY47Bc91_d2tdCs04__;Kw!!PtGJab4!5nVzvRJJXqUbnP28-HnfAVoXnmT7FTKEd_edjgGqyMkmsg8UCVotl6DqAEWSkOlXuHztoL9g9YNb_sU0g7jSYpDLUICxOBPGEbEs8A$>.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.

Thank you!


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