proposed tz changes for Portugal, Etc/GMT-14, and Mideast/Riyadh89

Paul Eggert eggert at
Tue Mar 12 03:34:55 UTC 1996

Here are proposed changes to the tz database:

* Portugal is apparently not moving its clocks this spring.

* Since Kiritimati is now 14 hours ahead of GMT, there should be an
  Etc/GMT-14 zone.  (I suppose if Cuba goes ahead with its threat to move
  its clocks ahead by 24 hours, we'll need an Etc/GMT-19 zone...)

* Fix a typo in solar89.

RCS file: RCS/europe,v
retrieving revision 1995.13
retrieving revision 1995.13.1.1
diff -c -r1995.13 -r1995.13.1.1
*** europe	1995/12/21 17:18:29	1995.13
--- europe	1996/03/12 03:16:42	1995.13.1.1
*** 1644,1650 ****
  # From Rui Pedro Salgueiro <rps at> (November 12, 1992):
  # Portugal has recently (September, 27) changed timezone
  # (from WET to MET or CET) to harmonize with EEC.
! 			1:00	EC	MET%s
  # We don't know what happened to Madeira or the Azores,
  # so we'll just use Shanks for now.
--- 1644,1655 ----
  # From Rui Pedro Salgueiro <rps at> (November 12, 1992):
  # Portugal has recently (September, 27) changed timezone
  # (from WET to MET or CET) to harmonize with EEC.
! 			 1:00	EC	MET%s	1996 Mar 31 1:00u
! # Martin Bruckmann <martin at> (1996-02-29) reports via Peter Ilieve
! # that Portugal is reverting to 0:00 by not moving its clocks this spring.
! # The new Prime Minister was fed up with getting up in the dark in the winter.
! 			 0:00	-     "WET DST"	1996 Oct 27 1:00u
! 			 0:00	EC	WET%s
  # We don't know what happened to Madeira or the Azores,
  # so we'll just use Shanks for now.
RCS file: RCS/etcetera,v
retrieving revision 1994.4
retrieving revision 1994.4.1.1
diff -c -r1994.4 -r1994.4.1.1
*** etcetera	1994/02/24 20:42:21	1994.4
--- etcetera	1996/03/12 03:16:42	1994.4.1.1
*** 27,33 ****
  #		zic -l GMT-12
  # so we moved the names into the Etc subdirectory.
! Zone	Etc/GMT-13	13	-	GMT-13 # 12 hours ahead of GMT, plus DST
  Zone	Etc/GMT-12	12	-	GMT-12
  Zone	Etc/GMT-11	11	-	GMT-11
  Zone	Etc/GMT-10	10	-	GMT-10
--- 27,34 ----
  #		zic -l GMT-12
  # so we moved the names into the Etc subdirectory.
! Zone	Etc/GMT-14	14	-	GMT-14	# 14 hours ahead of GMT
! Zone	Etc/GMT-13	13	-	GMT-13
  Zone	Etc/GMT-12	12	-	GMT-12
  Zone	Etc/GMT-11	11	-	GMT-11
  Zone	Etc/GMT-10	10	-	GMT-10
RCS file: RCS/solar89,v
retrieving revision 1996.2
retrieving revision 1996.2.1.1
diff -c -r1996.2 -r1996.2.1.1
*** solar89	1995/10/30 15:07:12	1996.2
--- solar89	1996/03/12 03:16:42	1996.2.1.1
*** 390,393 ****
  			3:07:04	sol89		??	1990
  			3:07:04	-		??
  # For backward compatibility...
! Link	Asia/Riyadh88	Mideast/Riyadh88
--- 390,393 ----
  			3:07:04	sol89		??	1990
  			3:07:04	-		??
  # For backward compatibility...
! Link	Asia/Riyadh89	Mideast/Riyadh89

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