Blather 2000 Conference
Monty Solomon
monty at roscom.COM
Fri Mar 15 14:21:53 UTC 1996
FYI. Excerpt from mini-AIR Mar 96.
1996-03-14 Blather 2000 Conference
Enough hot air has already been released to make it obvious that
Humankind must anticipate accelerating amounts of endless palaver
about how New Year's Eve December 31st 1999 isn't REALLY the End
of the 20th Century and how January 1st, 2000 isn't REALLY going
to be the First Day of the 21st Century. AIR will sponsor a
conference on "Blather 2000 -- Strategies to Avoid the Pedantry."
We will bring together the World's Leading Thinkers to debate and
make one big announcement about what the deal is, put their
statement into a widely-publicized Web Page, and then ask the
second-rate usage pundits, congenital columnists, and other
emitters of Sound 'n' Fury (TM) to just Shut Up About It.
If you have anything to say on the matter -- anything that hasn't
already been said -- please direct it to the Blather 2000
Conference chairman, Dr. Y. Foo <blather2k at>
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