Error in Timezone data
Alan Eugene Davis
adavis at
Sat Mar 16 05:18:30 UTC 1996
Fernando Alegre <alegre at>
Package Maintainer, Debian Linux Package timezone-7.46-0.deb
cc: tz at (Upstream)
In the debian linux timezone package, in the file australasia, in the
source, there may be an error. I hesitate to make such an assertion, but
I am certain, having lived there for the past decade, that
"Truk" (now properly known as Chuuk), at about 7°N 151°E, is in the
time zone GMT+10, and not +11 as indicated in the australisia
You may also be interested that the capital of Chuuk ( a State of the
Federated States of Micronesia, since I think 1986) is Weno (properly,
Wené, but usually spelled Weno).
The approximate Latitude and Longitude are (probably for my island of
Toon, not for Wené, these ought to be checked):
7° 19.8' N
151° 34.8' E
---------------------From the file australasia----------------
Zone Pacific/Yap 9:12:32 - LMT 1901 # Colonia
9:00 - PLT 1969 Oct
10:00 - GST
Zone Pacific/Truk 10:07:08 - LMT 1901
10:00 - GST 1978 Oct
11:00 - NCST <------------WRONG?
Zone Pacific/Ponape 10:32:52 - LMT 1901 # Kolonia
11:00 - NCST
Zone Pacific/Kosrae 10:51:56 - LMT 1901
11:00 - NCST 1969 Oct
12:00 - NZST
As of 1995, I was the only Linux user in Chuuk.
I would be very much interested in learning of information that Chuuk
Lagoon is in the GMT+11 timezone. I don't think it is, however.
Alan Davis
adavis at
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