Proposal for new ISO C 9x time API

INFOMAN Inc. mpereira at
Thu Sep 17 12:44:29 UTC 1998

I would recommend using the term "timex". It is a invented term, a.k.a.
coined term or neoligism, to which can be attached the apprpriate
definition as well as a note at the end of such defintion of " Formerly
known as xtime".

"Time" as word is used with multiple meanings and its use can quickly
become confusing and inadvertently may have unforeseen results. Having the
x precede the _resolves the ambiguity resulting from the x after _ .

Trust that this is of some help - Jake Knoppers

P.S. For questions of this nature you may find ISO 2788 - Guidelines for
the establishment and development of monoligual thesauri and ISO 5964
Guidelines  for the establishment and development of multilingual thesauri
to be of some help. They include rules for the establishment of terms and
controlled vocabularies. If I can be of help elsewhere, SVP let me know.

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