
yoshito_umaoka at yoshito_umaoka at
Thu May 31 02:10:28 UTC 2007

These are zone IDs, so I'd rather want to keep them unchanged.
I think there are some applications which store the zone IDs in persistent 
data.  In these applications, any changes in zond IDs will require mapping 
table for backward compatibility support.

Anyway, I'd like to address that these zone IDs are captured in the Common 
Locale Data Repository ( ) and these region 
names are localized (timezones - exemplarCity... of course these localized 
names are represented by Unicode!).  The latest version of CLDR includes 
local names, for example, "Montreal" in French locale is "Montréal".  At 
this moment, the coverage of localization is not great, but it is 
improving in every CLDR releases.

In my opinion, zone IDs should be stable and based on common English 
spelling and supporting native/localized city names via separated bundles 
such as CLDR timezones data.

- Yoshito Umaoka (ICU project)

"Paul Schauble" <Paul.Schauble at> wrote on 05/30/2007 
06:45:53 PM:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Koning [mailto:pkoning at] 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 2:55 PM
> To: tz at
> Cc: tz at
> Subject: RE: corrections
> >>>>> "Paul" == Paul Schauble <Paul.Schauble at> writes:
>  Paul> You could bite the bullet (US idion) and redefine the zone
>  Paul> tables to be UTF-8.
>  Paul> I'm half kidding (I have Unicode very much on the brain right
>  Paul> now). But I'm sure that will happen sooner or later.
> Yes, that would be good in some ways.  Not so good in other ways.  It
> would be a hassle for travelers who are not sufficiently fluent in the
> local language to read the local place names in their specific script.
> It also doesn't help the multiple official languages case, though you
> could cure that by putting multiple entries, one per language.
>       Paul
> ----------------------------------
> Yes, exactly. Have one synonym for each local name. Just require that
> the English choice always exists.
>     ++PLS

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