proposed time zone package changes (Chile, Alaska, et al.)

Arthur David Olson olsona at
Wed Mar 2 18:01:16 UTC 2011

Below find proposed changes to the time zone package; the executive summary:

*	leapseconds	Update notice from IERS (change to commentary only)

*	northamerica	Replace Juneau with Juneau, Sitka, and Metlakatla.

*	southamerica	Delay end of DST in 2011 until first Sunday in April.

*	tz-art.htm	Add material on episode of "Outsourced."

*	Replace Juneau with Juneau, Sitka, and Metlakatla.

These change do affect current time stamps in Metlakatla
and immiment time stamps in Chile.

I'm waiting on making changes to Russia until
we learn whether or not their new,
year-round time will be called standard time;
we'll see what happens at the end of this month.

Since the Chile change is being made on short notice, 
I'll update the ftp versions on 2011-03-07 if no problems are found.


diff -r -c old/leapseconds new/leapseconds
*** old/leapseconds	Thu Dec 16 12:24:20 2010
--- new/leapseconds	Mon Feb 14 09:30:33 2011
*** 1,5 ****
  # <pre>
! # @(#)leapseconds	8.10
  # This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
  # 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.
--- 1,5 ----
  # <pre>
! # @(#)leapseconds	8.11
  # This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
  # 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.
*** 56,68 ****
  # 61, Av. de l'Observatoire 75014 PARIS (France)
! # Tel.      : 33 (0) 1 40 51 22 26
  # FAX       : 33 (0) 1 40 51 22 91
  # Internet  : services.iers at
! # Paris, 14 July 2010
! # Bulletin C 40
  # To authorities responsible
  # for the measurement and
--- 56,68 ----
  # 61, Av. de l'Observatoire 75014 PARIS (France)
! # Tel.      : 33 (0) 1 40 51 22 29
  # FAX       : 33 (0) 1 40 51 22 91
  # Internet  : services.iers at
! # Paris, 2 February 2011
! # Bulletin C 41
  # To authorities responsible
  # for the measurement and
*** 70,78 ****
! # NO positive leap second will be introduced at the end of December 2010.
  # The difference between Coordinated Universal Time UTC and the
! # International Atomic Time TAI is :
  # from 2009 January 1, 0h UTC, until further notice : UTC-TAI = -34 s
--- 70,78 ----
! # NO positive leap second will be introduced at the end of June 2011.
  # The difference between Coordinated Universal Time UTC and the
! # International Atomic Time TAI is :		
  # from 2009 January 1, 0h UTC, until further notice : UTC-TAI = -34 s
*** 82,87 ****
  # will be no time step at the next possible date.
  # Daniel GAMBIS
! # Director
! # Earth Orientation Center of IERS
  # Observatoire de Paris, France
--- 82,87 ----
  # will be no time step at the next possible date.
  # Daniel GAMBIS
! # Head			
! # Earth Orientation Center of the IERS
  # Observatoire de Paris, France
diff -r -c old/northamerica new/northamerica
*** old/northamerica	Wed Jan 26 17:13:48 2011
--- new/northamerica	Wed Feb  9 14:00:33 2011
*** 1,5 ****
  # <pre>
! # @(#)northamerica	8.40
  # This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
  # 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.
--- 1,5 ----
  # <pre>
! # @(#)northamerica	8.41
  # This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
  # 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.
*** 426,431 ****
--- 426,473 ----
  # were nearby inhabitants in some cases and for our purposes perhaps
  # it's best to simply use the official transition.
+ # From Steve Ferguson (2011-01-31):
+ # The author lives in Alaska and many of the references listed are only
+ # available to Alaskan residents.
+ #
+ # <a href="">
+ #
+ # </a>
+ # From Arthur David Olson (2011-02-01):
+ # Here's database-relevant material from the 2001 "Alaska History" article:
+ #
+ # On September 20 [1979]...DOT...officials decreed that on April 27,
+ # 1980, Juneau and other nearby communities would move to Yukon Time.
+ # Sitka, Petersburg, Wrangell, and Ketchikan, however, would remain on
+ # Pacific Time.
+ #
+ # ...on September 22, 1980, DOT Secretary Neil E. Goldschmidt rescinded the
+ # Department's September 1979 decision. Juneau and other communities in
+ # northern Southeast reverted to Pacific Time on October 26.
+ #
+ # On October 28 [1983]...the Metlakatla Indian Community Council voted
+ # unanimously to keep the reservation on Pacific Time.
+ #
+ # According to DOT official Joanne Petrie, Indian reservations are not
+ # bound to follow time zones imposed by neighboring jurisdictions.
+ #
+ # (The last is consistent with how the database now handles the Navajo
+ # Nation.)
+ # From Arthur David Olson (2011-02-09):
+ # I just spoke by phone with a staff member at the Metlakatla Indian
+ # Community office (using contact information available at
+ # <a href="">
+ #
+ # </a>).
+ # It's shortly after 1:00 here on the east coast of the United States;
+ # the staffer said it was shortly after 10:00 there. When I asked whether
+ # that meant they were on Pacific time, they said no--they were on their
+ # own time. I asked about daylight saving; they said it wasn't used. I
+ # did not inquire about practices in the past.
  Zone America/Juneau	 15:02:19 -	LMT	1867 Oct 18
  			 -8:57:41 -	LMT	1900 Aug 20 12:00
*** 432,440 ****
--- 474,499 ----
  			 -8:00	-	PST	1942
  			 -8:00	US	P%sT	1946
  			 -8:00	-	PST	1969
+ 			 -8:00	US	P%sT	1980 Apr 27 2:00
+ 			 -9:00	US	Y%sT	1980 Oct 26 2:00	
  			 -8:00	US	P%sT	1983 Oct 30 2:00
  			 -9:00	US	Y%sT	1983 Nov 30
  			 -9:00	US	AK%sT
+ Zone America/Sitka	 -14:58:47 -	LMT	1867 Oct 18
+ 			 -9:01:13 -	LMT	1900 Aug 20 12:00
+ 			 -8:00	-	PST	1942
+ 			 -8:00	US	P%sT	1946
+ 			 -8:00	-	PST	1969
+ 			 -8:00	US	P%sT	1983 Oct 30 2:00
+ 			 -9:00	US	Y%sT	1983 Nov 30
+ 			 -9:00	US	AK%sT
+ Zone America/Metlakatla	 15:13:42 -	LMT	1867 Oct 18
+ 			 -8:46:18 -	LMT	1900 Aug 20 12:00
+ 			 -8:00	-	PST	1942
+ 			 -8:00	US	P%sT	1946
+ 			 -8:00	-	PST	1969
+ 			 -8:00	US	P%sT	1983 Oct 30 2:00
+ 			 -8:00	US	MeST
  Zone America/Yakutat	 14:41:05 -	LMT	1867 Oct 18
  			 -9:18:55 -	LMT	1900 Aug 20 12:00
  			 -9:00	-	YST	1942
diff -r -c old/southamerica new/southamerica
*** old/southamerica	Thu Dec 16 12:24:20 2010
--- new/southamerica	Wed Mar  2 12:47:20 2011
*** 1,5 ****
  # <pre>
! # @(#)southamerica	8.44
  # This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
  # 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.
--- 1,5 ----
  # <pre>
! # @(#)southamerica	8.45
  # This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
  # 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.
*** 1154,1159 ****
--- 1154,1176 ----
  # From Arthur Daivd Olson (2010-03-06):
  # Angel Chiang's message confirmed by Julio Pacheco; Julio provided a patch.
+ # From Glenn Eychaner (2011-03-02): [geychaner at]
+ # It appears that the Chilean government has decided to postpone the
+ # change from summer time to winter time again, by three weeks to April
+ # 2nd:
+ # <a href="">
+ #
+ # </a>
+ #
+ # This is not yet reflected in the offical "cambio de hora" site, but
+ # probably will be soon:
+ # <a href="">
+ #
+ # </a>
+ # From Arthur David Olson (2011-03-02):
+ # The article mentions a water shortage as the cause of the
+ # postponement, which may mean that it's not a permanent change.
  Rule	Chile	1927	1932	-	Sep	 1	0:00	1:00	S
  Rule	Chile	1928	1932	-	Apr	 1	0:00	0	-
*** 1189,1196 ****
  # which is used below in specifying the transition.
  Rule	Chile	2008	only	-	Mar	30	3:00u	0	-
  Rule	Chile	2009	only	-	Mar	Sun>=9	3:00u	0	-
! Rule	Chile	2010	only	-	Apr	 4	3:00u	0	-
! Rule	Chile	2011	max	-	Mar	Sun>=9	3:00u	0	-
  # IATA SSIM anomalies: (1992-02) says 1992-03-14;
  # (1996-09) says 1998-03-08.  Ignore these.
--- 1206,1213 ----
  # which is used below in specifying the transition.
  Rule	Chile	2008	only	-	Mar	30	3:00u	0	-
  Rule	Chile	2009	only	-	Mar	Sun>=9	3:00u	0	-
! Rule	Chile	2010	2011	-	Apr	Sun>=1	3:00u	0	-
! Rule	Chile	2012	max	-	Mar	Sun>=9	3:00u	0	-
  # IATA SSIM anomalies: (1992-02) says 1992-03-14;
  # (1996-09) says 1998-03-08.  Ignore these.
diff -r -c old/tz-art.htm new/tz-art.htm
*** old/tz-art.htm	Wed Jan 19 13:47:16 2011
--- new/tz-art.htm	Mon Feb 14 16:22:50 2011
*** 9,15 ****
  <h1>Time and the Arts</h1>
! @(#)tz-art.htm	8.19
  This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
--- 9,15 ----
  <h1>Time and the Arts</h1>
! @(#)tz-art.htm	8.20
  This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
*** 417,422 ****
--- 417,427 ----
  </a>. (Mark Brader, 2009-10-02)
+ <li>
+ In "The Todd Couple" episode of "Outsourced" (first aired 2011-02-10),
+ Manmeet sets up teledates for 6:00 and 9:00;
+ since one is with a New Yorker and the other with a San Franciscan,
+ hilarity ensues.
diff -r -c old/ new/
*** old/	Wed Jan 26 18:47:09 2011
--- new/	Wed Feb  9 14:00:33 2011
*** 1,5 ****
  # <pre>
! # @(#)	8.40
  # This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
  # 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.
--- 1,5 ----
  # <pre>
! # @(#)	8.41
  # This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
  # 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.
*** 412,420 ****
--- 412,422 ----
  US	+340308-1181434	America/Los_Angeles	Pacific Time
  US	+611305-1495401	America/Anchorage	Alaska Time
  US	+581807-1342511	America/Juneau	Alaska Time - Alaska panhandle
+ US	+571035-1351807	America/Sitka	Alaska Time - southeast Alaska panhandle
  US	+593249-1394338	America/Yakutat	Alaska Time - Alaska panhandle neck
  US	+643004-1652423	America/Nome	Alaska Time - west Alaska
  US	+515248-1763929	America/Adak	Aleutian Islands
+ US	+550737-1313435	America/Metlakatla	Metlakatla Time - Annette Island
  US	+211825-1575130	Pacific/Honolulu	Hawaii
  UY	-3453-05611	America/Montevideo
  UZ	+3940+06648	Asia/Samarkand	west Uzbekistan

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