[tz] LST

David Patte dpatte at relativedata.com
Tue Oct 11 03:00:48 UTC 2011

On 2011-10-07 4:27, Clive D.W. Feather wrote:
> Robert Elz said:
>> One proposal that Arthur, Paul, and I had kicked around a little (very little)
>> off list that might affect things there, was to abandon attempts to invent new
>> time zone abbreviations for places that don't have one already in use, and
>> instead just insert LST as a place holder (Local Standard/Summer Time).
I'm concerned about this suggestion.

I feel that the abbreviation LST would add some unnecessary confusion 
since it could mean either
Local Standard Time, or Local Summer Time - ie: it gives no hint about 
the clock-advanced status. It, in fact, reminds me of the confused 
ST/ST situation.

And for those, such as me, that also use LST to represent Local Sidereal 
Time (in astronomy applications) it would be an extra layer of potential 

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