[tz] Pridnestrovie (Tiraspol) is reconsidering the abolition of seasonal time

World Time Zone worldtimezone at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 21 17:47:59 UTC 2011

Pridnestrovie (Tiraspol) is reconsidering the abolition of seasonal time in 2011 after neighboring Ukraine reversed its decision to abolish DST and 
Moldova planned to continue its seasonal clock change.

News (in Russian)

or some translation by Alexander Krivenyshev- WorldTimeZone.com:
"Transnistrian deputies will once again return to the issue of seasonal time 
change at the next plenary session of the Pridnestrovie parliament.

A deputy chairman of the Committee on Social Policy, Valery Chervonooky 
expressed the hope that
Transnistria (Pridnestrovie), Moldova and Ukraine would have the same time 

Alexander Krivenyshev- WorldTimeZone.com
Guttenberg, New Jersey

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