[tz] timezone db error

Robert Elz kre at munnari.OZ.AU
Sat Dec 29 08:31:23 UTC 2012

    Date:        Sat, 29 Dec 2012 00:40:40 -0500 (EST)
    From:        Mayuresh Kathe <mayuresh at wolfman.devio.us>
    Message-ID:  <alpine.BSO.2.00.1212290030530.28365 at wolfman.devio.us>

  | is there any issue with the mail manager (software) at mm.iana.org?

Clearly something happened there, the message (the copy recently posted)
sat there for 5 days - perhaps they needed a filesystem recovery from
backup, or something.

In any case, it doesn't matter what happened if it was just one isolated
message and doesn't happen very frequently.


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