[tz] Morroco changes

Milamber milamberspace at gmail.com
Tue May 1 10:40:49 UTC 2012

I'm living in Morocco, GMT+1's change have been done this last weekend

http://www.mmsp.gov.ma/fr/actualites.aspx?id=250 (Fr)

In attachment, a capture of decree in the Official Bulletin of Morocco
Download : http://www.sgg.gov.ma/LesBOs.aspx?id=142 (N°6040)

Please note: around the 20 July 2012, Morocco returns to GMT+0 during
the month of Ramadan (28-29 days). The precise date of start of Ramadan
is unknown at this time (usually the religious authority announce the
start of Ramadan at 08h00pm the last night before the first day of Ramadan.)
The decree does not include specific provisions to define the rules of
DST during Ramadan. There is only Article 3, which allows the government
to temporarily return to GMT +0. Locally, the press and radio /
television announced the cancellation of summer time during Ramadan

Type text or a website address or translate a document.
Cancel <http://translate.google.com/?tr=t&hl=en>

Le 30/04/2012 12:00, Sebastien WILLEMIJNS a ecrit :
> http://www.lavieeco.com/news/actualites/gmt-1-officialise-pour-de-bon-21957.html
> http://french.cri.cn/621/2012/04/29/442s279539.htm
> dunno if TZ change has been done recently or it is for next year...

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