[tz] Morroco changes
Alan Barrett
apb at cequrux.com
Tue May 1 13:55:33 UTC 2012
On Tue, 01 May 2012, Milamber wrote:
>I'm living in Morocco, GMT+1's change have been done this last weekend
>http://www.mmsp.gov.ma/fr/actualites.aspx?id=250 (Fr)
>In attachment, a capture of decree in the Official Bulletin of Morocco
>Download : http://www.sgg.gov.ma/LesBOs.aspx?id=142 (N°6040)
Cut and paste from <http://www.mmsp.gov.ma/fr/actualites.aspx?id=250>:
Changement de l'heure légale du Royaume
Le Ministère de la Fonction Publique et de la Modernisation de
l'Administration annonce que l'heure légale du Royaume sera
avancée de soixante (60) minutes à partir du dimanche 29 Avril
2012 à deux heures du matin. Et ce conformément au décret n°
126-12-2 <http://www.mmsp.gov.ma/uploads/file/126_12_2_Ar.pdf>
du 26 Joumada I 1433 (18 Avril 2012) publié au Bulletin Officiel
n° 6040 du 19 Avril 2012.
Here's a translation of the above (mostly by Google, with minor
changes by me):
Change of legal time in the Kingdom
The Ministry of Civil Service and Modernisation of
the Administration announced that the standard time
of the Kingdom will be advanced sixty (60) minutes
from Sunday 29 April 2012 at two o'clock in the
morning This is in accordance with Decree No. 126-12-2
of 26 Jumada I 1433 (18 April 2012) published in the Official
Bulletin No. 6040 of 19 April 2012.
The decree appears in Arabic at
A French version appears at
<http://www.sgg.gov.ma/BO/bulletin/FR/2012/BO_6040_Fr.pdf>, on
page 52 within the PDF file, corresponding to page 1850 of the
BULLETIN OFFICIEL. A scan of the relevant portion appeared in the
earlier message from Milamber. The PDF seems to be in the form of
pixels, not pasteable text, but here is a plain text version typed
by me:
[page 1850] BULLETIN OFFICIEL No 6040 - 27 journada I 1433 (19-4-2012)
Décret no 2-12-126 du 26 journada I 1433 (18 avril 2012)
portant modification d l'heure légale
Vu le décret royal portant loi no 455-67 du 23 safar 1387
(2 juin 1967) relatif à l'heure legale, notamment son article
premier ;
Après délibération en Conseil du gouvernment réuni le
22 rabii II 1433 (15 mars 2012),
ARTICLE PREMIER. - L'heure légale, fixée pour le territoire
do Royaume par l'article premier du décret royal portant loi
susvisé no 455-67 du 23 safar 1387 (2 juin 1967), sera avancée
de soixante (60) minutes à (02:00) du dernier dimanche do mois
s'avril de chaque année.
ART. 2. - Le retour à l'heure légale se fera à (03:00) do
dernier dimanche do mois de septembre de chaque année, en
retardant l'heure de soixante (60) minutes.
ART. 3. - Le Chef du gouvernement peut, pour une durée
déterminée, décider de mettre fin à cet horaire.
ART. 4. - Le présent décret sera publié au Bulletin Officiel et
entre en vigeur à compter de dernier dimanche du mois d'avril
de l'année 2012.
Fait à Rabat, le 26 journada I 1433 (18 avril 2012)
Here's a translation of the above (mostly by Google, with minor
changes by me):
[page 1850] OFFICIAL GAZETTE No 6040 - 27 journada I 1433 (19-4-2012)
Decree No. 2-12-126 of 26 journada I 1433 (18 April 2012)
amending the legal time
Considering the Royal Decree Law No. 455-67 of 23 Safar 1387
(2 June 1967) relating to the legal time, including Article One;
After deliberation by the Council of the Government meeting
on 22 Rabi II 1433 (15 March 2012),
ARTICLE ONE. - The legal time, set for the territory of the
Kingdom by article one of the Royal Decree on Law No. 455-67 of the
aforementioned 23 Safar 1387 (June 2, 1967), will be advanced by
sixty (60) minutes at (02:00) from the last Sunday of the month
of April of each year.
ART. 2. - The return to standard time will take place at
(03:00) on the last Sunday of the month of September of each year,
retarding the time by sixty (60) minutes.
ART. 3. - The Head of Government may, for a fixed period,
decide to terminate the schedule.
ART. 4. - This Decree shall be published in the Official Gazette
and takes effect from the last Sunday of the month of April of
the year 2012.
Done in Rabat, on 26 journada I 1433 (18 April 2012)
I suspect that the translation of ART 3 above is wrong, and that
it's intended to give them the ability to temporarily return to
Standard Time during the month of Ramadan, even though they don't
yet know the exact dates.
> Please note: around the 20 July 2012, Morocco returns to GMT+0
> during the month of Ramadan (28-29 days). The precise date of
> start of Ramadan is unknown at this time (usually the religious
> authority announce the start of Ramadan at 08h00pm the last
> night before the first day of Ramadan.) The decree does not
> include specific provisions to define the rules of DST during
> Ramadan. There is only Article 3, which allows the government
> to temporarily return to GMT +0. Locally, the press and radio
> / television announced the cancellation of summer time during
> Ramadan
That agrees with my interpretation.
--apb (Alan Barrett)
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