[tz] uniform time in Switzerland in second half of 19th century
Alois Treindl
alois at astro.ch
Wed Sep 11 06:08:17 UTC 2013
On 10.09.13 23:57, Paul Eggert wrote:
> <http://www.hls-dhs-dss.ch/textes/d/D12813.php>
> makes it appear that the 1894 transition was
> not a smooth one either -- I suspect that each
> canton or locality had to make the legal change
> on its own, and they didn't change all at the same time,
> and in that sense the 1894 transition datum
> is dubious too.
the essential phrase in that source is:
Viele Kantone machten denn auch 1894 von ihrer Kompetenz Gebrauch und
führten die mitteleurop. Zeit eigenständig nach z.T. heftigen öffentl.
Debatten in ihrem Hoheitsgebiet ein. Seit 1894 richtet sich die Schweiz
nach einem einheitl. Zeitsystem.
Many cantons (there are 23) made use of their competence in 1894 [[when
the federal goverment introduced Central European Time for post,
telegraph and railway which were under federal authority]] and
introduced Central European Time by their own decision, after partly
intense public debates, for their respective area of sovereignty.
Since 1894 Switzerland follows a uniform time system.
--- end of translation
For TZ, this is not relevant, it only wants to know when the city of
Zurich went to CET, as the zone Europe/Zurich does not claim to
represent all of Switzerland for the period before 1970.
So, we may have different acceptance dates for different cantons, but
the source above claims that they were all within the year 1894.
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