[tz] Zone America/Glace_Bay

Brian Inglis Brian.Inglis at systematicsw.ab.ca
Mon Jul 20 18:54:06 UTC 2015

On 2015-07-20 10:36, Chris Walton wrote:
> I seldom hear anybody referring to mainland Nova Scotia as a peninsula.
> Maybe that is just because I don't live in Nova Scotia!
> Also, I find the term "peninsula" to be confusing when placed beside the name "Halifax".
> Downtown Halifax sits on the "Halifax Peninsula" which in turn sits on the "Chebucto Peninsula"
...I think attached to rather than sits on here...
> which in turn forms a part of mainland Nova Scotia.
...which is on the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nova_Scotia_peninsula
and there are also the Avon, Aspotogan, Malagash, First and Second
peninsulas around.

To add confusion Mainland Halifax is the official name for the parts of
Halifax on the Chebucto pensinsula but not on the Halifax peninsula.
Wikipedia also says about that:
"Mainland Halifax is further divided into "Mainland North" (Bayer's Lake,
Clayton Park, Fairview, and Rockingham) and "Mainland South" (Armdale,
Herring Cove, Purcell's Cove, Sambro, and Spryfield).
Residents do not use the term "Mainland" or the north and south divisions at
all, preferring to refer to their original community names which describe the
geography of their area more appropriately to those familiar with the region."

It seems that anyone on a peninsula may refer to what it is attached to
as the mainland.
Although only a tourist and not a local, I think of New Brunswick as being
on the mainland, from about Sackville, and Nova Scotia, from about Amherst,
as being the peninsula; Fundy and the Strait forming the neck of the isthmus
(of Chignecto, it appears to be called).

> I would prefer to see this:
> America/Halifax  Atlantic Time - PEI & mainland Nova Scotia
> instead of:
> America/Halifax  Atlantic Time - Nova Scotia (peninsula), PEI
> I would be curious to hear David Patte's opinion!

Other opinions from those more familiar would be welcome.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis

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