[tz] America/Metlakatla now follows Alaska

TechOps techops at serrc.org
Tue Nov 10 18:12:59 UTC 2015

thanks for the reply Guy, and sorry for being vague. By Apple's servers I
mean whatever servers reply to an out-of-the-box iPad or Mac when it tries
to set its timezone based on location.

Basically I'm wondering what the standard trickle-down duration is... days,
weeks, or months.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
AKTechOps <http://serrc.org/techops> | techops at serrc.org | 907.523.7290

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 8:47 AM, Guy Harris <guy at alum.mit.edu> wrote:

> On Nov 10, 2015, at 9:06 AM, TechOps <techops at serrc.org> wrote:
> > Hi Folks - we do IT for the school in Metlakatla. How long does it take
> once the patch is made for it to filter out to servers?
> Your servers, or somebody else's servers?
> For your own servers, for the system's tzdb files:
> If your system has zic on it, and you download the updated files and run
> zic on them, it takes as long as it takes you to do that. :-)  zic should
> install them in the official system locations for compiled tzdb files by
> default.
> If you don't have zic on your system, or you don't download them and run
> zic on them, but wait for the vendor to provide an update, it takes however
> long it takes that vendor to make such an update; we can't tell you how
> long that'd be, the vendor would have to do that.  If the vendor has a
> mechanism to provide updates very quickly, as, for example, some (perhaps
> most) Linux distributions do (Ubuntu and Fedora, for example, don't seem to
> have dot-dot releases, they just update individual components as
> necessary), that could happen quickly.  If they don't have such a
> mechanism, it could take longer.
> That will update the system's files; if some other software on your system
> has its own compiled files, you'd have to figure out where they are and
> replace them, or wait for the vendor to provide an update.
> For somebody else's servers, those questions all apply, except that you
> don't get to install the updated files yourself, so it depends on their
> vendors *and* their own internal IT organization.
> > The town let us know about the change after they made the decision so we
> didn't have a chance to prepare. Many of the devices are set to use
> location to determine timezone, so we're looking forward to Metlakatla's
> info being updating in participating servers (namely Apple's).
> "Apple's" as in "you have Macs running OS X and OS X Server at your
> school, and you want updates for those local servers", or "Apple's" as in
> "Apple's own servers for iTunes and iCloud and so on"?
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