[tz] Anecdotal discrepancy for Navajo nation in Arizona
Matt Johnson
mj1856 at hotmail.com
Wed May 25 03:28:01 UTC 2016
There's also the interesting case of Dangling Rope Marina, which does not observe DST - despite being clearly in Utah.
Not that I would expect tzdb to have such fidelity. IIRC, there are plenty of other smaller localities that are technically in the boundary of one time zone, but follow the rules of another.
I suppose a map such as http://efele.net/maps/tz/world/ might elect to take these exceptions into account. But for TZDB, I think it's fine enough that America/Phoenix and America/Denver are both available to use as desired.
Now if, for example, we learned that one of the enclaves or exclaves USED to use DST and then stopped using it (or vice versa), then we'd possibly have to consider a distinct zone entry.
From: tz-bounces at iana.org <tz-bounces at iana.org> on behalf of Steve Jones <stevejones at OnTimeZone.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 7:40 PM
To: Arthur David Olson; Deborah Goldsmith
Cc: Time zone mailing list
Subject: Re: [tz] Anecdotal discrepancy for Navajo nation in Arizona
At 05:55 PM 5/24/2016, Arthur David Olson wrote:
> ...it might be worth checking if anyone has any sources inside the Navajo nation.
The source used back in 1987 (using--ahem--snail mail) was the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona: http://itcaonline.com/.
A very complex area:
>From http://ontimezone.com/exceptions.php:
Even though Arizona does not observe Daylight Saving Time, the Navajo Indian Reservation (which takes up most of northeastern AZ) does observe DST. To add to the confusion, the Hopi Indian Reservation, which is wholly enclosed within the Navajo Reservation, does NOT observe DST. Confused? We're just getting started.
* Consider also that the Navajos have an enclave containing the village of Jeddito, entirely within the Hopi reservation. And that the Hopi reservation has an exclave at Moenkopi, just south of Tuba City. Still not confused?
* Some of the businesses in Tuba city (within the Navajo Reservation) reportedly do not observe Daylight Saving time, so as to avoid confusing the tourists. Good luck with that. At least that puts them in sync with their Hopi neighbors across highway 160 in Moenkopi. Got it?
Steve Jones
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