[tz] Anecdotal discrepancy for Navajo nation in Arizona

Random832 random832 at fastmail.com
Wed May 25 16:33:52 UTC 2016

On Wed, May 25, 2016, at 11:55, Steve Jones wrote:
> At 10:53 PM 5/24/2016, Brian Inglis wrote:
> >Federal facilities and areas within AZ are subject to federal
> >legislation so they too observe DST.
> Federal legislation deals with time zone borders, not DST observance.

AIUI there are _some_ federal laws about DST observance. The main effect
of which was that before 2009, when most of Indiana on the Eastern time
zone did not observe DST, the locations which did were doing so in
violation of the law; states do not have the authority to permit
individual areas within the state to vary their observance of DST from
the statewide policy, except for a state split between two time zones
may observe it in one time zone and not the other (as Indiana's Central
Time regions observed DST)

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