[tz] Japanese Summer time fallback transition in autumn 2020?
Phake Nick
c933103 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 29 14:27:24 UTC 2018
In fact there's a report from Japanese government back in year 1999 that
said the total reduction of energy consumption due to summer time would be
about 5 million liter petroleum, which is roughly 0.1% of the total annual
energy consumption of Japan, however the report still say it's equivalent
to the total energy need of 250 thousands families, and that 0.1% energy
consumption would roughly equal to 1% of all energy consumption reduction
policy or 10% of all policies that are within the aspect if "fundamentally
changing lifestyle of citizens", therefore 0.1% isn't too little. The
report also said that Global Warming cannot be solved by large policies
that are unrelated to individuals but instead it would need to be solved by
accumulation of small policies to attain a large effect and such every
small bits count, and also it hypothesised that if summer time is
implemented then the life style of citizens might shift accordingly which
could reduce more energy demand than estimated.
Also, while the report do agree that household energy consumption on air
conditioning would increase after the implementation of summer time, the
report think it's only going to increase 28 million liter petroleum
consumption and is compensated by reduction in energy consumption in other
sectors like industrial air conditioning
2018-9-29 17:13, Paul Eggert <eggert at cs.ucla.edu> wrote:
> It now appears that Japan won’t mess with the clocks for the 2020 Olympic
> Games
> after all. After Japan’s ruling party held the first meeting of a study
> group on
> the topic, a party bigwig Toshiaki Endo told reporters that although he
> personally favored DST on an ongoing basis as “a step toward creating a
> low-carbon society”, that it likely would not happen in 2020, saying “It
> is
> physically difficult because of technical hurdles and public reluctance.”
> Endo’s stated motivation of energy saving is not well-supported by the
> science.
> In a recent meta-analysis I mentioned earlier that has now been published
> in a
> refereed journal, the bottom line was, “based on the available previous
> research, the best guess concerning the effect of DST on electricity
> consumption
> is close to zero.” This conclusion was for a world-wide analysis; the
> preprint’s
> entry for Japan gives a 95% confidence interval of (-0.666%, 0.933%) with
> a mean
> of 0.112%, meaning that the energy consumption change due to DST would be
> so
> close to zero as to be statistically insignificant and if we have to
> guess, we
> should guess that DST should slightly increase electricity usage in Japan.
> Okubo T. ‘Difficult’ daylight saving a no-go for 2020 Tokyo Games. Asahi
> Shimbun. 2018-09-28 13:55 +09.
> http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201809280033.html
> Havranek T, Herman D, Irsova Z. Does Daylight Saving Save Electricity? A
> Meta-Analysis. Energy J. 2018;39(2).
> https://doi.org/10.5547/01956574.39.2.thav
> with preprint at https://meta-analysis.cz/dst/dst.pdfyo
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