[tz] Fwd: [IANA #1173666] Time zone change - Yukon Canada
Paul Eggert
eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Wed Nov 25 18:15:38 UTC 2020
Thanks, I'm forwarding this to the tz mailing list so that the OIC is archived.
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Subject: Re: [tz] [IANA #1173666] Time zone change - Yukon Canada
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2020 14:00:25 -0700
From: Brian Inglis <Brian.Inglis at SystematicSw.ab.ca>
Reply-To: Brian.Inglis at SystematicSw.ab.ca
Organization: Systematic Software
To: Andrew.Smith at gov.yk.ca
CC: Paul Eggert <eggert at cs.ucla.edu>, Tim Parenti <tim at timtimeonline.com>
Hi Andrew,
Thanks very much for following up on those and getting back to me: I have an
interest in these Canadian laws and orders and been digging on Yukon and other
sites a number of times.
I realize that unfortunately many of these laws and orders are short documents
that could easily be missed stuck to others in files, or during scanning, and
lost to posterity, or may turn up unexpectedly elsewhere at some later date.
I will add this OIC to my personal archive of Canadian and Yukon tz history and
pass it along to the tz maintainers who may publish it on the public repositories.
Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
[PMed to maintainers as received off-list - hope you guys don't mind?
Please credit Andrew for any publication.]
On 2020-11-24 10:57, Andrew.Smith at gov.yk.ca wrote:
> Hi Brian -
> Following up on this now that the dust has settles in Yukon.
> I have attached OIC 1980-02.
> My legislative colleagues have let me know that they do not have a copy of CO 1966-20 available in their records (it may be archived deep in the stacks or lost in the intervening half-century).
> Be well.
> Andrew G. Smith
> Intergovernmental Relations
> Executive Council Office
> Government of Yukon
> T: 867-667-5875
> Perhaps the Yukon Government representative could also help us fill a couple of holes in Yukon legislative time zone history and comments in:
> http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/2015-April/022200.html
> and
> http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/attachments/20150417/4ba8d35e/0001-Better-documentation-for-time-in-Yukon-0001.patch
> ✱ CO 1966-20 establishing Yukon (East) Standard Time (like PST) and Yukon (West) Standard Time (like YST) is not available on the Yukon, CanLii, or other sites, although it was revoked by CO 1967-59; from:
> Standard Time and Time Zones in Canada; Thomson, Malcolm M.; JRASC, Vol. 64, pp.129-162; June 1970; SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1970JRASC..64..129T p.156:
> "Yukon Territory Commissioner's Order 1967-59 Interpretation Ordinance
> The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, pursuant to the Interpretation Ordinance, is pleased to and doth hereby order as follows:
> 1. Commissioner's Order 1966-20 dated at Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory on 27th January, 1966, is hereby revoked."
> ✱ OIC 1980/02 establishing Yukon DST is not available on the Yukon, CanLii, or other sites, although it was revoked by OIC 1987/56; from:
> Yukon Daylight Saving Time, YOIC 1987/56 http://www.canlii.org/en/yk/laws/regu/yoic-1987-56/latest/yoic-1987-56.html
> Pursuant to section 36 of the Interpretation Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows:
> 1. In every year between
> (a) two o'clock in the morning in the first Sunday in April, and
> (b) two o'clock in the morning in the last Sunday in October, Standard Time shall be reckoned as seven hours behind Greenwich Time and called Yukon Daylight Saving Time.
> 2. Order-In-Council 1980/02 is hereby revoked."
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