[tz] DST changes in Hungary (full historical revision)

Michael H Deckers michael.h.deckers at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 12 16:10:59 UTC 2020

    On 2020-10-11 08:15, Nyáry Géza wrote:

> You're right, some links fell behind or if there is more than one, but I
> insert these now.
> Some places are the transaction's information in hungarian language (in
> text) unfortunately. On these places you have to translate with Google.
> 1949 CEST:
> https://library.hungaricana.hu/hu/view/KeletMagyarorszag_1949_03/?pg=96&layout=s&query=ny%C3%A1ri%20id%C5%91sz%C3%A1m%C3%ADt%C3%A1s
> https://library.hungaricana.hu/hu/view/UjSzo_1949_01-04/?pg=102&layout=s&query=ny%C3%A1ri%20id%C5%91sz%C3%A1m%C3%ADt%C3%A1s
> 1942 CET:
> https://library.hungaricana.hu/hu/view/OGYK_RT_1942/?pg=3955&layout=s&query=ny%C3%A1ri%20id%C5%91sz%C3%A1m%C3%ADt%C3%A1s
> 1981 CET and CEST:
> https://library.hungaricana.hu/hu/view/Delmagyarorszag_1981_01/?pg=79&layout=s&query=ny%C3%A1ri%20id%C5%91sz%C3%A1m%C3%ADt%C3%A1s
> https://library.hungaricana.hu/hu/view/DTT_KOZL_TanacsokKozlonye_1980/?pg=189&layout=s&query=ny%C3%A1ri%20id%C5%91sz%C3%A1m%C3%ADt%C3%A1s
> 1981-03-28 23:00 (GMT)/1981-03-29 00:00 (CET)-->1981-03-29 01:00 (CEST)
> 1981-09-26 23:00 (GMT)/1981-09-27 01:00 (CEST)-->1981-09-27 00:00 (CET)
> 1983 CET and CEST:
> https://library.hungaricana.hu/hu/view/DTT_KOZL_TanacsokKozlonye_1983/?pg=85&layout=s&query=ny%C3%A1ri%20id%C5%91sz%C3%A1m%C3%ADt%C3%A1s
> 1983-03-26 23:00 (GMT)/1983-03-27 00:00 (CET)-->1983-03-27 01:00 (CEST)
> 1983-09-24 23:00 (GMT)/1983-09-25 01:00 (CEST)-->1983-09-25 00:00 (CET)
> 1980 CET:
> https://library.hungaricana.hu/hu/view/DTT_KOZL_TanacsokKozlonye_1980/?pg=189&layout=s&query=ny%C3%A1ri%20id%C5%91sz%C3%A1m%C3%ADt%C3%A1s

      Thank you Géza for the additional sources!

> I hope so I answered all of your questions, but if something not clear,
> don't hesitate to write me!

      Well, thanks, in fact I do have additional questions:

      • Is the 24 hours system generally used in Hungarian? More precisely:
        do "2 órakor" and "órakét" (at 2 hours) always mean 2 am or
        can they also mean 2 pm?
        (It is clear that "0 órakor" cannot mean noon.)

        And if these expressions may sometimes be ambiguous, how is am
        distinguished from pm?

      • Are there common Hungarian abbreviations for
              közép-európai téli idő  (central European winter time)
              közép-európai nyári idő (central European summer time)
        (for instance in travel schedules)? CLDR gives only the English
        forms CET and CEST, as far as I can see.

      Many thanks for your kind help.

      Michael Deckers.

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