[tz] Names of Areas

Andrea Boyle andrea0099 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 20:41:46 UTC 2021

I am writing to you to request a small but significant change to the area
options that are currently listed in the database.  Recently I used
software that uses the database for the area and location information and I
was initially very puzzled when trying to find Canada.  America was there
but no other country in the North or South American continents. After a
little research I realized that the database has America represent both.
The trouble I have is that America is also a well used name for the United
States and represents the name of a country rather than the two
continents.  I will be honest that it definitely rubbed the wrong way to
have to choose America to find a city in Canada and I would also bet that
outside of the US it would not be intuitive to choose America when looking
for other countries within North and South America.  To that end, I think
it would be a great improvement to update the area to "Americas" or "the
Americas" so that it was much clearer that it represents more than just one

Thank you

Andrea Boyle
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