[tz] Official Chilean Goverment Decret for timezone changes 2022-2026
Eduardo Romero Urra
eromero at interior.gob.cl
Wed Aug 17 23:36:03 UTC 2022
Dear Paul,
I've send a copy of presidential decret for Summer time changes for the Republic of Chile, officially published at August 13th 2022:
I've review your update 2022b TZdata and it's ok for this year where the summer time starts the second saturday of September ( Sep 10th at midnight), but the next years ( 2023 to 2026 ) is need to precise that the summer time event affects only for this year according to avoid problem confusions to a Votation Day schedule to the next sunday Sept 4th (the original summer time change was schedule at Saturday Sep 3th midnight). Also consider this also affects to Easter Island Time Zone (Pacific/Easter) and not affects to Chile/Punta_Arenas Time Zone.
At resume (page #2 of document):
- Chile/Continental ( America/Santiago ): Summer time starts at Saturday 10th Sep. at 24:00 Hrs, adding 1hour ( GMT -03)
- Chile/Easter (Pacific/Easter) : Summer time starts at Saturday 10th Sep. at 22:00 Hrs, adding 1hour ( GMT -05)
- Chile/Punta_Arenas (America/Punta_Arenas): No changes, keeps on GMT -03
- Chile/Continental ( America/Santiago ): Summer time ends at first saturday of Abril 24:00 Hrs, backward 1hour ( GMT -04) , and Summer time starts the first saturday of September at 24:00 , adding 1hour ( GMT -03)
- Chile/Easter (Pacific/Easter) : Summer time ends at first saturday of Abril at 22:00 Hrs, backward 1hour ( GMT -06), and Summer time starts the first saturday of September at 24:00 , adding 1hour ( GMT -05)
- Chile/Punta_Arenas (America/Punta_Arenas): No changes , keeps on GMT -03
- Chile/Continental ( America/Santiago ): Summer time ends at first saturday of Abril 24:00 Hrs, backward 1hour ( GMT -04)
- Chile/Easter (Pacific/Easter) : Summer time ends at first saturday of Abril at 22:00 Hrs, backward 1hour ( GMT -06)
(the decret has no mentions for future time changes plans)
- Chile/Punta_Arenas (America/Punta_Arenas): No changes , keeps on GMT -03
I've check the rules on southamerica file , but i'm not sure if apply correctly for Easter Island changes
Rule Chile 2019 max - Apr Sun>=2 3:00u 0 -
Rule Chile 2019 2021 - Sep Sun>=2 4:00u 1:00 -
Rule Chile 2022 only - Sep Sun>=9 4:00u 1:00 -
Rule Chile 2023 max - Sep Sun>=2 4:00u 1:00 -
Zone Pacific/Easter -7:17:28 - LMT 1890
-7:17:28 - EMT 1932 Sep # Easter Mean Time
-7:00 Chile -07/-06 1982 Mar 14 3:00u # Easter Time
-6:00 Chile -06/-05
I'm very appreciated your assistance for this changes.
Thanks in Advance.
Eduardo Romero Urra
Asesor de Sistemas
División de Redes y Seguridad Informática
Ministerio del Interior y Seguridad Pública
Gobierno de Chile
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Ministerio del Interior y Seguridad Publica<https://www.interior.gob.cl>
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